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I don't wake up loving myself every single morning

Mindfulness, Mind, Body, Soul Wellness & Healing | Counsellor & Mental Health and Wellbeing Coach in Newcastle Australia

I don't actually wake up every morning and love myself…

Social media can make it so easy for people like me, in the counselling and coaching space, to look like we are f*cking incredible all of the time but I wanted to tell you that it isn't true. Whether people share it or not, we all go through periods of life where we don't actually feel amazing and entirely love ourselves.

Yes, I have done a lot of work on myself. Yes, I have grown a lot as a person. Yes, I have healed a lot. But I (and you) will never be completely done on this journey. We will always have more 'work' to do. We will always have more growing to do and unfortunately, there will always be more wounds to heal.

Loving myself is a constant practise and some days, just like you, I fall off track too. But I also have the tools, support and knowledge to get back on track. I know what needs to shift, what needs to happen and what to do when I do fall off track.

So while I don't wake up every morning loving myself, I do have the know-how to get back to that beautiful, magical place so that tomorrow, I wake up loving myself again.

You don't have to love yourself everyday and honestly, you won't, but you can have the tools and knowledge and support to get back on track. If you're ready to experience that beautiful, magical place too, let me know because I currently have capacity for 1:1 clients.

With love

Shorina xo

Counsellor + Wellness & Mental Health Coach


Hi, I'm Shorina and I'm an Australian Counsellor + Wellness & Mental Health Coach. I'm here to support you to redefine your relationship to self and life! I incorporate a mind, body and soul wellness approach to my work with a focus on healing and mindfulness ♡


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