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You can't do it all.

Mindfulness, Mind, Body, Soul Wellness & Healing | Counsellor & Mental Health and Wellbeing Coach in Newcastle Australia

You can't do it all.

I truly believe that we can't do it all, all at once and all well. Balls are going to fall when you're juggling and that's okay.

I absolutely do not do it all. I never have and I never will. I utilise services and the people around me the best I can, but sh*t still falls behind.

My priorities are myself, my family and my work. So that means that sometimes my housework falls behind. Or I don't see my friends for a few weeks. Or I have baskets of laundry piled up everywhere (this is pretty normal at my house haha). Or my hair isn't washed. Or I take a day to reply to a friend.

Because when I try to do it all, I burn-out real quick and it takes me months to recover. So instead, I leave the dishes. I leave the laundry. I leave the cleaning. I allow myself to reply a day later to friends and focus on my three priorities. Me. My family. My work. And that's okay. That's so f*cking okay.

Let's normalise NOT doing it all. Because I sure as hell don't want to live up to those expectations. And if you're trying to do it all and feeling the intense overwhelm, then let's chat because this is my specialty 🥰

With love & support,

Shorina | Mindful Soul Collective

Counsellor & Wellbeing Coach



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