It's cold today. Really, really cold.
And I was able to simply walk into my wardrobe and pick up a jacket to put on. I could get my kid's socks and jumpers. I could tuck them under a blanket. I could use a heater.
Today, I'm grateful for the ability to be warm. Something so significant in many of our lives but we often take it for granted. We ignore the ease, access and ability to be warm but in reality, it's a privilege. A beautiful privilege that offers so much comfort and safety to my family and I.
So today, I'm grateful for being able to keep me and my children warm.
Finding gratitude in the things we often take for granted is one of the keys to supporting your mental health... what are you grateful for today?
With love & support,
Shorina | Mindful Soul Collective
Counsellor & Wellbeing Coach